Croeso i fy mlog newydd!

Ces i blog gyda WORDPRESS ond it meant my website got hacked. Felly dw i'n dechrau eto.

Roedd gyda fi* flog gyda WORDPRESS ond cafodd ei hacio. Felly dw i'n dechrau eto.

Roedd fy mlog diwetha yn diflas iawn. Dweudais i am y wersi Gymraeg gyda gormod Saesneg. I ymarfer fy nghymraeg dw i'n mynd i ysgrifennu yng Gymreag pan dw i'n gallu.

Roedd fy mlog diwetha yn ddiflas iawn. Siaradais i am y gwersi Cymraeg gyda gormod o Saesneg. I ymarfer fy Nghymraeg dw i'n mynd i ysgrifennu yn Gymreag pan dw i'n gallu.

Please please please correct me if you see mistakes in my Welsh. I'm doing this so I can be corrected! There are many many basic things I haven't done yet. For example, the future! I've talked a bit about the past in class, but not the future. So I'm using this as a platform to apply what I learn as soon as I learn it.


3 sylwadau:

Blogger Rhys Wynne said...

Lucky I just popped over to your old blog for the hell fo it (normally I only read blogs through my Bloglines account which tell me when there's a new post!)

Beth bynnag, digon o Saesneg

Roedd gyda fi* flog gyda WORDPRESS ond cafodd ei hacio. Felly dw i'n dechrau eto.

Roedd fy mlog diwetha yn ddiflas iawn. Siaradais i am y gwersi Cymraeg gyda gormod o Saesneg. I ymarfer fy Nghymraeg dw i'n mynd i ysgrifennu yn Gymreag pan dw i'n gallu.

[Dechrau da, the main errors were mutations when you didn't need to!]

* Ces i is used if you had something to to eat, or if you were given something.

* Roedd gyda fi is used if you owned something, or if you had an annwyd neu llwnc tost.

12:21 pm  
Blogger XY said...

Thanks Rhys!

I never know if I should correct my original post using other people's corrections. Or leave it incorrect and refer to the comments. I think I'll leave it as it is. This way I can see my progress more clearly in time to come.

I was actually dreading a lot more errors. So I'm quite pleased. At the moment I have to make a few stabs in the dark and hope for the best.

That ces i / roedd gyda fi problem was something that confused me when I wrote it. I guess the literal translation is always "there was something with me". But now I'm confused again as I thought it might me "roedd flog gyda fi".

I was convinced "pan dw i'n gallu" was wrong.

1:20 pm  
Blogger Rhys Wynne said...

'Roedd gyda fi flog / Roedd blog gyda fi' ar both correct.

I'd leave errors as they are.

Roeddwn i'n trafod dy flog gyda Chris ar y penwythnos (cyn i mi wybod 'bod blog newydd gyda ti/bod gyda ti flog newydd') a dwedais wrtho fy mod i wedi awgrymu dy fod yn dechrau blog Cymraeg nawr. Dwi'n falch dy fod ti wedi cymeryd fy nghyngor. Dywedodd Chris ei fod yn edrych yn ôl ar ddyddiau cynnar ei flog, ac mae'n gweld cymaint mae wedi newid*.

I was discussing your blog with Chris on the weekend (before I knew 'you had a new blog') and I told him that I'd suggested you start a Welsh blog now. I'm glad you took my advice. Chris said he looked back at his blogs early posts and noticed how much it's changed*.

*If you look at his first post in the archives and think it's 10 times better than yours, that's because he satarted an earlier blog and then scrapped it as he got more fluent!

12:27 pm  

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