CBEEBIES neu Planed Plant Bach?

Heddiw, daeth fy nith fach, Maisie, i fy nhŷ i. Mae rhieni Maisie dim yn gallu siarad yn Gymraeg ond dw i eisiau i weld Maisie yn siarad Cymraeg pan mae hi'n grow up. Dw i'n dim ond dwsgwr Cymraeg yn yr teulu felly dw i'n teimlon responsible i dysgu yr iaith i hi.

Pan mae hi'n wedi cyrraed edrychon ni ar y siannel 'cbeebies'. Mae rhagleni yn dda iawn! (i blant wrth gwrs). Ond pan mae mam Maisie mynd allan, changed i yr siannel i 'Planed Plant Bach'. Thought i mae Maisie yn gallu dysgu Cymraeg, ond realised i dw i'n gallu dysgu o'r rhagleni hefyd!

I'm humble enough to admit I can learn form kids TV too!

...Dealloch chi ddim 'Pingu' beth bynnag iaith chi'n siarad, anyway.

P.S Can someone help me change the entire blogger template to Welsh please? Namely the dates. Diolch

6 sylwadau:

Blogger Rhys Wynne said...

Heddiw, daeth fy nith fach, Maisie, i fy nhŷ i. Tydi rhieni Maisie ddim yn gallu siarad yn Gymraeg ond dw i eisiau gweld Maisie yn siarad Cymraeg pan mae hi'n tyfu lan. Fi yw'r unig ddysgwr Cymraeg yn y teulu felly dw i'n teimlo'n cyfrifoldeb i dysgu yr iaith i hi.

Pan mae hi'n wedi cyrraed edrychon ni ar y siannel 'cbeebies'. Mae'r rhagleni yn dda iawn! (i blant wrth gwrs). Ond pan mae mam Maisie'n mynd allan, newidiais i y siannel i 'Planed Plant Bach'. Meddyliais i mae Maisie yn gallu dysgu Cymraeg, ond sylweddolias i dw i'n gallu dysgu o'r rhagleni hefyd!

I'm humble enough to admit I can learn form kids TV too!

...Deallw chi ddim 'Pingu' pa bynnag iaith chi'n siarad, ta beth.

Obviously you can look some of the words up yourself in dictionary to fill the gaps you left in English, but sometimes even that won't tell which word are correct to use, so i hope corrections help.

Changing the dates on Blogger is a bit tricky. There was a link to the script from that Ping Wales article. But as instructions are in Welsh, you might need some help. I might translate instructions (as they could then be used by speakers of other languages - as it already has been done by Scottish Gaelic bloggers), but give me time.

5:02 pm  
Blogger Rhys Wynne said...

Correct myself now after re-reading

should be 'teimlo' cyfrifoldeb, not teimlo'n - my mistake

Sylweddolais not sywleddolias - see pattern with endings

newidiais (from newid)
meddyliais (from meddwl)
sylweddolais (from sylweddoli)

Deallwch, nid Deallw

5:05 pm  
Blogger XY said...

Diolch unwaith eto Rhys!

Dw i'n eitha hapus gyda beth dw i wedi ysgrifennu. (we haven't learnt how to use 'wedi' yet, so i hope that's right)

Paid poeni am yr 'dates' cyfieithau.

I'm intentionaly not looking up words and phrases because I know I'll just end up writing these posts with my learner's dictionary by my side and not actually learning it. If I force myself to recall things I already know then I'm cementing what I've picked up. It might look horrible with the english words dotted around, but it helps me highlight things I have yet to learn and it forces me to use things I do know that could be used instead. My main concern is any errors in the Welsh itself. I was happy to see that most of the mistakes I made were because they involved things we haven't covered yet. I can take hope from that.

Dweudodd yr twtor heno "Mae bon yr gair yn bwysig iawn" (or something like that). Felly, I'm going to try and remember those examples you have given.


9:06 pm  
Blogger XY said...

Looking at the code you talk about. I thought I cracked it! But it's only altering the month. I noticed your actual code is different to the version that is being discussed via the link on your ping wales article. I'm not really sure what's going on. Is there another tag to use within the template that generates the date in a different format?

i.e something else instead of:


11:20 pm  
Blogger XY said...


I had to blag my way through two languages I don't understand. Welsh and javascript.

Now I can go to bed

12:07 am  
Blogger Rhys Wynne said...

Thank god you worked it out, as I'm not very good at explaining things like this (even if I understood half of it). The code in the blog post is a second version, while I followed instructiions the blogger (real name Aled) posted a while back.

I'm intentionaly not looking up words and phrases because I know I'll just end up writing these posts with my learner's dictionary by my side and not actually learning it. If I force myself to recall things I already know then I'm cementing what I've picked up.

That's a good way of doing it. Some learners go to the dictionary and use the 1st word they see, which doesn't always have the same meaning, and when I read the blog post (or whatever0 I have to really think what they're refering to.

10:04 am  

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