Yn y post 'ma bydda i'n defnyddio Cymraeg a Saesneg oherwydd pan rhaid i mi esbonio rhywbeth anodd, dw i eisiau dweud popeth yn glir...
Yn ystod y cwrs Pellach, ro'n i wedi blino bob nos ar ôl 9-5 o ddysgu dwys ffeindiais i siarad neu ysgrifennu yn Gymraeg anodd iawn. Dyna pam, ysgrifennais i ddim ers dechrau'r cwrs. Ond nawr, bydd rhaid i mi ymarfer pan dw i'n gallu, felly gobeithio bydda i'n sgrifennu mwy.
Teimlais i fel bob dydd - I had reached my "shit-point" (diolch Carol) cyn y prynhawn! Y "shit-point" yw pan chi ddim yn gallu dysgu mwy achos chi wedi ceisio dysgu gormod ar un pryd. Gwnes i'r cwrs Pellach ond dw i ddim yn teimlo fel dw i wedi datblygu cymaint.
I understand that with all sorts of disciplines that require learning that people go through peaks and troughs. If anything, I think I peaked quite early in my self confidence. After the WLPAN I felt that everything we had learnt had gone in with no problems at all. I felt confident enough to speak to people in Welsh even though it quite often felt very strange and awkward. This is all down to knowing people that are fluent and being in situations where I had to listen in Welsh. I witnessed someone else reach this point of self confidence in the Pellach.
He would remark on how he'd only been doing it for a year (like me) and that he now felt like he can talk to people in Welsh outside of class and he had no intention of hiding his self satisfaction (and rightly so, it's a tough thing learning Welsh!). I, on the other hand, felt like I'd been where he was months prior. We were at the same level of understand in Welsh I'd say, but my confidence had dipped during the Pellach. It was one of those situations where someone could chip in and say the old cliche half empty/half full glass line. So I decided not to let myself get frustrated, no matter how hard I was finding it. Learning a language is more than just absorbing words, phrases, rules and mutations. That's the first stage. In all honesty I doubt that ever stops happening, after all... who speaks English perfectly? I think the challenge comes from trying not to treat Welsh as the second language. Fluency, in my eyes, is the ability to think in that language as freely as your first language. It's then only the words you don't understand and the grammatical forms you haven't yet learnt that are stopping you.
Wel, dyma fy ffrindiau newydd sbon o'r cwrs...
Ar y diwedd y cwrs aethon ni mas i'r Pen & Wig yng Nghaerdydd i ddathlu pedair wythnos o waith galed. Canon ni caneuon fel 'Frans o wlad Awstria', 'Oes gafr eto?' a 'Mae hen wlad fy nhadau'. Yfon ni ormod o gwrw a seidr a bwyton ni lawer o sglodion. Ro'n ni'n agos iawn fel dosbarth Cymraeg ar ôl dim ond 4 wythnos.
Mae dysgu Cymraeg yw profiad i gwrdd a phobol newydd a dysgu amdanyn nhw. Mae'n ysbrydoliaeth i gael tiwtoriaid sy'n teimlo'n angerddol am y hanes Cymru a'r iaith Chymraeg ac am siarad Cymraeg fel dysgwyr. Dyna'r peth sy'n wahanol rhwng ysgolion (wel... yr ysgol lle es i) a'r cyrsiau oedolion. Mae penderfyniad gyda phobol sy eisiau dysgu fel oedolion dw i'n credu. Dwedodd un tiwtor bod pobol sy'n dysgu Cymraeg yn ddwys HEROES neu WEIRDOS. Dw i'n meddwl bod hi'n gywir ond beth bynnag, mae pawb yn bobol arbennig!
Mae pobol o'r Ariannin yn wneud y cwrs nesa ar hyn o bryd, y cwrs Uwch. 8 WYTHNOS - 9 i 5!!!! Chwarae teg! Felly dw i'n gallu cwrdd a nhw, weithiau yn y Mochyn Du! A gobeithio, ym mis medi, pan wnaf i'r cwrs Uwch, bydd pobol o'r Pellach yna hefyd! Tan hynny, rhaid i mi ymarfer!!